

Federal Government

Add all-ages bike paths to transport mix

THE Hobart City Deal could play an important role in changing transport choices in Hobart. One of the goals of the deal is to invest in infrastructure to provide efficient transport that enhances accessibility and liveability. This seems to have been interpreted as public transport in the form of ferries, light rail and efficient buses. [...]

Hobart Domain highways up for review

The Australian and Tasmanian Governments are reviewing the three highways bordering Hobart’s Queens Domain to come up with a plan to improve transport through the area, including cycling and walking.

New north-east MTB tracks start in early 2019

Break O’Day Council has announced that World Trail will build two new mountain bike tracks at St Helens and Bay of Fires starting in early 2019, according to The Examiner newspaper. World Trail is known for its popular Derby tracks but has also built tracks at Atherton forest and Smithfield in Queensland, Falls Creek and [...]
Road Safety Inquiry

Road safety performance going nowhere

There is need for a dramatic change in road safety management in Australia, according to a recently released inquiry into the national road safety strategy

Coastal Pathway cashed up

The North-West Coastal Pathway is is set to be extended to from Sulphur Creek to Latrobe after the state government confirmed $4.8 million of funding.
National Road Safety Action plan

New Federal plan for safer roads

The commonwealth government has released a new road safety action plan for the next two years, but we will have to wait to see how much action there is.
two abreast bike riders

Two abreast won’t be pushed aside

Riding two abreast has been a hot topic in the past week, but with united support from bike riders and authorities, the rule is here to stay.