


Is your bike fit and healthy?

Bikes are mechanical objects and have a service life – it's important to look after your bike so it looks after you.

Green wave a go on Albert Street

A green wave for bike riders on Albert Street in East Melbourne will be made permanent after a trial by City of Melbourne found it reduced travel times by almost one minute.

Give your colleagues a hand to ride to work

Ride2Work Day is coming up on Wednesday 16 October, and we’ll be holding a celebratory breakfast at Mawsons Place in Hobart but it would be great to see some new faces over our coffees. If you ride to work, have you ever considered encouraging or mentoring someone else at your workplace to ride? When you [...]
stefan gelbhaar ride to work

An extra day off for riding to work

A Germany politician has proposed that those who ride a bike to work should get an extra day of leave each year. And he makes some pretty good points.

Don’t go loco during rail disruptions

Bicycle Network will be making sure commuters don’t go loco during upcoming rail disruptions by helping them jump on a bike and take two wheels to work.