

Social rides - Tasmania

Get on your bike & enjoy spring!

We’ve got a stready stream of rides coming through this month and leading into next month. More can be added at any time – you never know when a ride leader is going to be inspired – so keep an eye on the RidewithGPS events listings.

October packed out with social rides

There’s no excuse for not going for a social ride this month, with something for everyone being offered by our volunteer ride leaders across Tasmania.

Get moving in spring with a social ride

The social rides this fortnight are a great mix of longer and shorter rides and include a practice run around the route for the Cygnet Cycling Festival’s family ride on 5 November.

Spring on the horizon with rides a plenty

Our last winter rides and first rides for spring offer something for everyone with a few longer routes, out-of-town rides and dedicated e-bike and women’s rides.

Ride off the beaten track this fortnight

All of our rides this fortnight have some or most of the route utilising gravel roads and paths, reflecting the desire of a lot of riders to enjoy natural places without too many cars around. So get out your treads and wider tyres and enjoy our urban and regional areas. Domain Quadruple Loop – Saturday [...]

Social rides offer new longer, faster options

Our ride leader Logan is offering the Alt-Fondo series of longer, faster rides for people wanting to push their riding stamina and the first is detailed in our social rides round-up.