We already know it’s the right thing to do.
The bike is more than simply a means of transport. It is the only vehicle that can simultaneously increase physical and mental wellbeing, reduce injuries and fatalities, reduce carbon emissions and air pollution, decongest roads, ‘calm’ traffic, increase ‘liveability’, and reduce the cost of living for Australians.
Over 8.8 million Australians ride bikes each year1. If we can turn these ‘casual riders’ to regular riders who use their bike for transport purposes, we can make a strong impact in the health, sustainability and road safety domains.
We already know it’s the right thing to do. So what’s stopping us from putting down some real money to get the wheels turning?
Bicycle Network is asking for...
1. An active transport budget
We need a clear investment commitment, it’s that simple. At present, the Australian Government only funds active travel as part of larger infrastructure projects. We are recommending a change.
Bicycle Network is pushing for the Australian Government to commit 5 per cent of the transport budget allocation for active travel. This allocation is not unreasonable. The United Nations recommends that 20 per cent of federal transport funding per annum should be allocated to walking and bike riding projects2. Sadly, most Australian states and territories devote less than 2 per cent of funding to bikes3.
Download full submission![](https://bicyclenetwork.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/People-riding-bikes_2.jpg)
2. A stimulus package to fund active tourism
We know that bicycle-related tourism already injects $1.17 billion into the economy, and that Australians who ride a bike more will spend more4.
This is where active-travel focused tourism is an exciting opportunity. It offers Australians a ‘taster’ of the bike-riding lifestyle and will encourage them to make a longer term investment. It offers an opportunity for a more diverse group of riders to have a go: women, children, and older adults.
We already have the breathtaking scenery, let’s add some wheels to it.
Download full submission3. Behaviour change programs for young people
It is a life-changing moment when a child masters the skill of riding a bike. In an
instant, they are able to move faster, explore further, and enjoy a newly found level of independence.
We think all children deserve this moment. It is important to promote bike riding at an early age, so that these skills and habits can be adopted for life.
This is why Bicycle Network recommends that behaviour change programs should
be a fundamental component of the federal budget.
4. A national bike incentive scheme
If we are serious about getting more people travelling on a bike, let’s put down an incentive to get them started.
Many state governments are already announcing subsidies, stamp duty waivers, zero-interest loans, and other financial incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles. A bike achieves the same sustainable outcomes, whilst also decongesting our city roads. For many Australians the barrier to riding a bike is, quite simply, the price.
A small spend could offer a great long-term impact.
Download full submission5. A safer national vehicle fleet
We need to start taking real action on vulnerable road user deaths. That’s why we are recommending the Australian Government prioritise making vehicles safer. Bicycle Network recommends:
- a dedicated car scrappage program that will help remove old vehicles from Australian roads and fast-track a modern fleet of vehicles that are environmentally friendly and have safety technology that will better protect vulnerable road users; and
- a rebate scheme that provides heavy vehicle operators with an assistance package to ease financial pressures associated with procuring and fitting critical safety technologies.
Support our submission
We know collective action makes a difference. Here are some ways you can show your support for Bicycle Network’s federal budget submission 2022-23.
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