NSW Council Elections 2021

Let your local election candidates know that it is time to back the bike.

On December 4 2021, 124 councils in New South Wales will be holding elections. 

Riding a bike starts in our local neighbourhoods

Local governments play an pivotal role when it comes to creating people-friendly streets that support active transport. 

It is more critical than ever that councils prioritise active transport and recreation as a way to manage the challenges posed by COVID-19, to support the economic recovery of businesses, and to build liveable, sustainable and resilient communities full of healthy and happy people.

The NSW Local Government elections on December 4 provide an opportunity for electing candidates who support initiatives and improvements that encourage bike riding and walking. 

We’re calling on our members, friends, BUGs and local organisations to be a voice for bikes. 

What can councils do for bikes?

Below are just some of the ways your council can help make it easier to ride a bike: 

  • Accessible and appealing active travel links to schools, workplaces, parks and local shops.  
  • Open spaces, parks and facilities for recreation and leisure.
  • Low speeds and traffic-calming on local streets.
  • End-of-trip facilities and bike parking where you need them. 
  • Engagement with bike programs like Ride2School.
  • Fast-tracked implementation of bike plans.
  • Trials of parklets, pop-up bike lanes or other progressive measures to get people excited about riding. 

How to connect with your local candidates

Are you a local candidate up for election? We want to hear from you.

Don’t wait to be contacted. If you’ve got a strong position on bikes, send us your responses to the questions listed and we’ll publish them on our website.

Step 1: Share your concerns 

Your local candidates are elected to lead the community, so be sure to make your concerns known to them. You have the best experience when it comes to riding a bike around your community. What are the challenges? What negatively affects your riding experience? No one knows your community better than you.  

Step 2: Offer personal experience

When speaking to a candidate, consider sharing some personal experience of riding a bike in your community. This may help in painting a clearer picture of the concerns you raise.  

Step 3: Ask questions

Here are some questions that you can ask your local candidates: 

  • What do you see as the main barriers to people riding a bike?
  • If elected, how will you support making it easier for people to walk and ride in [insert your local government area]?
  • When you go out on your bike, where is your favourite place to ride?
  • Are you satisfied with the progress being made with your council’s bike strategy?

If you’ve got a local infrastructure project, road, speed limit or initiative you’d like to see the council support, it’s worth raising that too. 

To find your candidates or information about your local council visit the NSW Electoral Commission website

Please note that Balranald Shire, Central Darling Shire, Central Coast and Wingecarribee councils will not be having an election.

Find my council

Key dates you need to know


Early voting or ‘pre-poll’ is available from Monday 22 November to Friday 3 December 2021. Any person enrolled to vote may vote by pre-poll.

You may be eligible to vote using a postal vote at this election. You can check your eligibility criteria here.

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Find out more about Bicycle Network and support us in making it easier for people to ride bikes.

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