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Vehicle blind spots and carelessness are a deadly combination. Here’s some ways that you, as a bike rider, stay out of harm’s way. Vehicle blind spots blot out regions of the road much larger than most people realise. These are areas that the driver cannot see by using a mirror and in some cases, looking directly. There are certain design elements of a vehicle’s design which impact the size of blind spots such as the windscreen frames (known as A-pillar or B-pillar), windows and headrests. A 2011 RACV study found “in some vehicles tested, a pedestrian or cyclist as close as nine metres away and a vehicle 20 metres away couldn’t be seen by the driver because the design of the vehicle created a side blind spot.” Slowing appropriately while checking all mirrors carefully also reduces the possibility of a blind spot obscuring a other vulnerable road users such as people riding bikes, pedestrians and even motorbikes. There are regions of the road around trucks and large vehicles that the driver cannot see by looking directly or using a mirror. Large vehicles, such as trucks, tourist coaches and buses, are a challenge for people who ride bikes because they take up so much room on the road. Specifically, large vehicles occupy the space that bike riders are generally accustomed to having available to pass on the left-hand side when there isn’t a bike lane. However, when sharing the road with larger vehicles, the left side is a highly risky place to be. The drivers of heavy vehicles are professionals and are adept at piloting their huge transporters in heavy traffic and through tight intersections. They are also hyper-aware of their length and blind spots. However, for all their driving prowess, they simply cannot see what their mirrors don’t show them. The major blind spots for a large vehicle are directly behind and to the side. With blind spots as large as they are, it’s important that bike riders assume they haven’t been seen—even if they are technically in the right—and stay well back to allow the large vehicle to make its turn. Many freight and construction companies have recognised the risks of sharing the road with bikes and are making improvements to their fleets’ large-vehicle mirrors, vision aids and side under-run protection rails. However, people who ride bikes need to be aware of the extent of the blind spots of these vehicles and ride defensively.
What are blind spots?
Blind spots can be eliminated by the driver conducting a simple head-check before turning or changing lanes.
Blind spots and trucks
Tips for sharing the road
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