The problem
We don’t have enough connected, accessible and attractive places to ride to facilitate the rapid growth in bike riding.

As COVID-19 restrictions came in to place, the number of Australians riding bikes soared.
Bicycle Network’s recreational bike counts recorded increases as high as 270 per cent on bike paths. Bicycles quickly replaced toilet paper as the ‘must have’ item with bike shops experiencing extraordinary demand.
The problem is that we don’t have enough space to facilitate the rapid growth in bike riding and turn it into long term behaviour change.
Many people are getting on bikes for the first time or after a long absence. They are not comfortable riding on roads among traffic, so other than riding on busy trails and paths, there are no other options for them.
Before we know it, Australians will also be returning to their workplaces as our focus turns to employment. We can’t return to the days of overcrowded public transport and our roads can’t cope with more cars.
The horrifying possibility exists that the stimulus our economy so badly needs will be stultified if it coincides with traffic congestion that gridlocks our streets.
Unless our governments act immediately to make bikes part of Australia’s transport solution, a once in a lifetime opportunity will slip through our fingers.
The solution
Local, state and federal governments can rapidly transform roads to make more room for bikes and help keep people riding as we make our way out of lockdown.
The bicycle has been described as a simple solution to the world’s most complicated problems.
It has been instrumental in helping us survive the crisis and it now has a key role to play in helping us come out the other side stronger.
The rest of the world has invested in bikes as a way out of the crisis. The speed at which cities are transforming and incentivising bike riding is unprecedented. Cities such as Berlin, Montreal, Bogota, Paris and Athens have, within days, installed kilometres of protected bike lanes that usually take months.
France, Italy and England are also providing citizens with financial incentives to get them pedalling.
Now is the time for Australia to get moving. The window of opportunity is open, but it’s closing fast.
Right across Australia, there are plans with local projects ready to go to build dedicated paths that would improve safety and make our paths more accessible to everyone. They just need to be funded.

Pedalling to a better normal
Bicycle Network’s $904 million bike riding stimulus package would use pedal power to safeguard our health, create jobs and improve the spending power of Australians as we work our way out of the COVID-19 crisis.
Bicycle Network’s Pedalling to a better normal is a six month plan to safeguard our health, create jobs and improve the spending power of Australians as we work our way out of the COVID-19 crisis.
The $904 million bike riding stimulus package calls on all three levels of government to unite to build pop-up bike lanes and incentivise cycling.
Take action – write to your local politicians
Our local councillors and parliamentarians should know that people are eager to have more safer spaces to ride, so write to them, Facebook them, Tweet them or call them and let them know what you think.
If there is a particular road you think would be suitable to have pop-up bike lanes, wider paths or slower speed limits in your area, let them know. Photographs are also helpful to make your case.
You can click here to find contact details for politicians in each state of Australia.
Here’s a few easy ways you can help get more space created for people walking and riding.
Write to the politicians
Contact your local member of parliament or mayor to let them know you need more space for bikes.
ContactsBecome a member
Join Bicycle Network as a member and help make our voice stronger so we can get more people riding.
Join usShare on social
Spread the word – share this campaign with your friends and decision-makers on social.
How have governments responded?
It’s critical that our governments invest in infrastructure, programs and incentives that make it easier for more people to ride as restrictions ease. To help keep up the pressure, we’ll track the announcements as they are made.
Have we missed something? Let us know by sending us an email at
NSW stimulus: $1 billion investment in shovel-ready infrastructure projects – including a cycleway in Centennial Park. Read more.
Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program: $500 million to deliver priority local road and community infrastructure projects – including $1.5m for Rockhampton paths. Read more.
(Potential funding for bike projects as apart of council stimulus package. Read more.)
NSW: 6 new pop up bike lanes (10km+) in City of Sydney, new 40km/h zones. Read more. Stage 2 plans set to begin adding an additional 20km. Read more.
QLD: New joint advisory committee with Brisbane Council formed to connect Brisbane bikeways. Read more.
VIC: 100km of quick-build bike lanes to pop up in inner-Melbourne and the introduction of minimum passing distance laws in Victoria. Read more.
Sydney: 6 new pop up bike lanes and exploring more options, new 40km/h speed zones. Read more.
Melbourne: 40km of adaptable bike lanes to be rapidly rolled out over the next 6-12 months. Read more
Read more
Riding during coronavirus

Avoiding Carmageddon
With lockdowns and travel restrictions now lifted, but the latest variant still lingering, our post-lockdown transport is facing some new challenges, and all roads point...

COVID amplifies vehicle noise problem
Cities around the world are implementing new ways to reduce car noise, as it is proven to be linked to speeding and crashing.

Can I still ride my bike outdoors?
Bicycle Network has advice about when, where and who you can ride with during coronavirus restrictions. Advice was last updated on Monday 16 August 2021.
Rose Bay promenade cycleway delayed
The cycleway on Rose Bay promenade has been further delayed to avoid inconveniencing the record number of locals flocking to the waterfront during lockdown.

Minimum passing distance laws and pop-up lanes coming to Victoria
Minimum passing distance laws are set for Victoria and 100km of quick-build bike lanes will pop up in inner-Melbourne to help us reach COVID normal.

Melbourne fast tracks 40km of bike lanes
Melbourne will get a massive—and fast—upgrade to bike facilities as 40km of bike routes is rushed into construction in response to the COVID-19 impact.

Pedalling to a better normal: a plan to ride out of COVID-19
A $904 million bike riding stimulus package would use pedal power to safeguard our health, create jobs and improve the spending power of Australians.

Pop-up cycleways for central Sydney
More than 10 kilometres of pop-up bike lanes will be installed in the City of Sydney in the coming weeks as part of the NSW...
Click here to see more posts about bike riding during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
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