The Tasmanian state election has been set for Saturday 3 March, 2018
Bicycle Network is here to keep you up to date with what parties and candidates are promising for people who ride bikes.
What we want to get more people riding
As part of our pre-election submission to all political parties in October 2017, we asked for the following ten items to help turn Tasmania into healthiest state in the nation by 2025:
1. SPEND at least $10 per person per year through a $21.3 million bike infrastructure program over the next four years that would match local government contributions.
2. FUND Bicycle Network’s Ride2School program over the next five years, beginning with $100,000 in 2018 and growing to $260,000 by 2022.
3. ESTABLISH active travel plans and bike parking for all Tasmanian schools.
4. EXTEND the policy to build bicycle infrastructure on all new state roads to all new local government roads, including private sub-division development.
5. INCREASE funding under the state roads asset management program to improve popular road cycling routes.

6. DEVELOP a state policy for all new building developments to include bike parking and end-of-ride facilities such as parking loops, secure storage and showers and provide incentives for businesses and developers to retrofit existing buildings.
7. DEVELOP public charging facilities in urban and regional areas for electric car and electric bicycle charging.
8. DEVELOP Greater Launceston and Greater Hobart active transport plans to accommodate University of Tasmania developments.
9. REVIEW the Tasmanian Walking and Cycling for Active Transport Strategy 2010 and provide an implementation report.
10. REVIEW the Principal Urban Bicycle Network plans for all metropolitan regions and extend to all regional city centres across Tasmania, mapping out an integrated network of priority bicycle routes that would include tourism paths, trails and on-road bicycle infrastructure.
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Party promises

- $6 million to create or extend bicycle routes on state and local roads statewide, with some matched local government funding.
- Three-year funding for the Bicycle Network Ride2School program in Tasmanian primary schools and years 7-9 secondary school students.
- $2 million in 50/50 matched funding grants for southern councils for bicycle infrastructure such as dedicated bike lanes and linking paths within towns.
- Seal and widen shoulders on sections of the West Tamar highway
- Central Coast Walking and Cycling Trail – Rail Bridge Deck: $450,000 to provide a cycling and walking link across the Forth River utilising the existing rail bridge when an overpass of the Bass Highway is built
- Better riding facilities as part of the Hobart Airport interchange upgrade
- $286,000 for Dial Range mountain bike paths
- $100,000 for a bike skills park in Ulverstone
- $190,000 for the Risdon Vale Bike Collective
- Up to $100,000 to the Glenorchy Council to upgrade the Glenorchy Mountain Bike Park
- $20,000 going to the All-Schools Mountain Bike Championships and $20,000 to the Launceston Mountain Bike Club
- Review planning and development laws to require developers to include bike parking and associated facilities in major Tasmanian cities
- Update the Walking and Cycling for Active Transport Strategy, including regular implementation updates.
- During the Burnie Leaders’ Debate, Labor Leader Will Hodgman said building cycleways on future roads is ideal, but retrofitting cycleways are difficult
- $4 million for a Tracks and Trails Community Grants program over three years for local governments and community groups. Up to $100,000 per grant would be available
- $190,000 for the Risdon Vale Bike Collective
- Labor’s general policy platform has commitments to cycleways and shared pathways: “Labor supports an expansion of shared pathways and cycle ways to increase active transport linkages between communities and to enhance safety for cyclists.”
- Labor’s general policy platform has commitments to promoting activity: “Labor will support health education and preventative health measures in schools and the community, which are aimed at preventing ill health, injury and promoting good health and wellbeing outcomes, particularly for children ”
- During the Burnie Leaders’ Debate, Labor Leader Rebecca White would not commit to cycleways on all future roads, but supported wider shoulders
- Create a new Health and Wellbeing policy in the planning scheme so people have access to infrastructure which keeps them healthy
- Develop a Hobart transport master plan that invests $80 million over three years in public transport, walking and bike riding facilities to get cars off the road. Cycling infrastructure would include end-of-ride facilities with showers, lockers and secure bike parking.
- $20 million over four years for a bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure fund to match council funding.
- Funding for the Ride2School program of $710,000 over four years.
Jacquie Lambie network
- No policies about bicycles released.
ShooTers, Fishers and Farmers Tasmania
- No policies about bicycles released.
Note for all party promises, that all new state roads should incorporate cycling facilities.
Authorised by Alison Hetherington, Bicycle Network, 210 Collins Street, Hobart
Here’s your chance to tell current and future MPs why active transport like riding, walking and public transport is important to you.
Bicycle Network, University of Tasmania, Heart Foundation and Sustainable Living Tasmania have partnered up to hold three forums for candidates in the Tasmanian election.
Come along to hear what the parties are promising and ask a question about an active transport issue close to your heart.
Tuesday 20 February, 6.30–8 pm
UTAS School of Architecture building, Inveresk campus
Wednesday 21 February, 6.30–8 pm
Central Coast Council Gnomon Pavilion, Wharf Road
Thursday 22 February, 6.30–8 pm
IMAS lecture theatre, Castray Esplanade
Contact your candidates
Let your candidates know what’s important to you as well as including one or more of the Bicycle Network’s top ten of what we want to see a new government deliver for people who ride bikes.
Click your electorate below for a list of candidates standing for election:
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