Transport surveys and data

Super Counts

Why Super Counts?

Super Tuesday and Super Sunday counts collect active travel data at intersections for local councils, including mode, gender, time and directional flow. The rich longitudinal data helps track progress and identify areas of improvement to inform active transport policy, with the goal of making it easier for more people to choose active modes every day.

Intersection data collected

  • User type (walker, runner, cyclist, scooter or other)
  • Gender
  • Volume in 15 minute or 1 hour time intervals
  • Directional traffic flow of all user movements

In the past year, more than sixty local council areas across Australia have participated in Super Sunday and Super Tuesday counts to help track active transport performance and inform infrastructure delivery.

Information booklet
Volunteers counters

Get in touch to learn more about our Super Counts and how they can be used to improve bike riding conditions in your local area.

Want to join us as a participating council in the next Super Count?

Enquire Now

Our counts

Super Tuesday – Commuter counts

Super Tuesday commuter counts record volumes, gender, and movement flow of people on bikes and e-scooters

Super Sunday – Recreational counts

Super Sunday is a survey of recreational travel and looks at how runners, walkers, bike riders and other recreational users move around. 

Upcoming events

Join an upcoming event and give back to your community by raising money for your local charity, non-profit, school or other community organisation. You’ll be helping collect important data for your council to improve walking and cycling infrastructure in your area.

All volunteer counters receive a credit towards their Bicycle Network membership or donation to a local organisation or a charity of their choice. 

Bicycle commuter on Super Tuesday

18th March 2025

Super Tuesday South

Super Tuesday South is conducted on the first Tuesday of March.


7:00am – 9:00am, Tuesday 11 March 2025


Participating council areas across WA, SA, TAS, VIC, NT and NSW.

Counter registrations now open!

Register now
SuperTuesday NT Darwin

29 July 2025

Super Tuesday Top End

Super Tuesday Top End is conducted on the last Tuesday in July.


6:30am – 8:30am, Tuesday 29 July 2025


Participating council areas in the north of the Northern Territory (including Darwin, Palmerston and Katherine)

Stay tuned, counter registrations open June 2025.

Register Interest
Super counts volunteers

2 September 2025

Super Tuesday North

Super Tuesday North is conducted on the first Tuesday of September.


7:00am – 9:00am, Tuesday 2 September 2025 (QLD, WA)


Participating council areas across Queensland, northern Western Australia and Northern Territory.

Counter registrations open August 2025! 

Register interest
Recreation riders on Super Sunday

9 November 2025

Super Sunday

Super Sunday is conducted on the second Sunday of November.


9am – 12pm*, Sunday 9 November 2025


Participating council areas across all of Australia

*Please note, Broome (WA), Kingston (VIC), Sutherland (NSW), Bayside (NSW) are from 7am – 10am.


Join thousands of volunteer counters across the country as part of Australia’s largest manual bike counts. The data collected is used by governments to improve bike riding conditions in your local area!

Bike count volunteers receive a $70 (Super Tuesday) or $120 (Super Sunday) credit towards their Bicycle Network membership or donation towards any nominated charity, school, sports club or any other not-for-profit organisation. 

Register your interest and we’ll get in touch with more information when a count is approaching in your area.

What's involved?

You will need to register online to volunteer at a count to ensure that we have the necessary details to contact you and so that you can reserve your preferred count location.

To check when the next Super Count is happening, check our upcoming counts above. You can see the dates and times of the count, check the available counting sites, and register to count.

To register for a count you will need to provide:
  • Your contact details
  • Region
  • A organisation to receive your donation
  • Your selected count site
  • Working with Children Check / Working with Vulnerable People Check (WWCC / WWVP)

Please be sure to check your inbox to finalise your registration.

Confirm your details

By confirming your registration, Bicycle Network count team will know that you will definitely be at your selected count site. Check all the details carefully before confirming. If you find any incorrect information (your address, contact number or/and nominated organisation) please email us to update.

Confirm your count site location

Check the location of your count site on a street directory (if available) or on Google maps. Your confirmation email will have a link to your chosen count site on Google maps.

Study the intersection you will be counting to determine your counting spot and main flow of morning users.

Print out count sheets

Print out the count sheet and check it against the map and the description on your count sheet. Some count site locations will have new facilities/infrastructure that may not be mapped yet. If your count sheet does not match your count site, email us and we will send you a correct sheet.

You might want to print a spare count sheet if you are expected to meet a large volume at your site. It’s also a good idea to organise yourself with a clipboard and a spare pen.

Read the instructions carefully

Every count site is different. Read instruction carefully so you know what is required to count at your selected site.


Please take a moment to read our safety guidelines before you head out to count.

Arrive 10 minutes early

Be in place and ready to count the first rider at the start time so we don’t miss anyone.

Start counting

Mark the count sheet and marvel at the growth in active transport. We suggest using the block of ‘five bar gate’ method of four upright lines slashed diagonally when the fifth user goes past.

How to count off-road users

It is very important that any off-road path that parallels a road in the same direction is counted as one and the same thing, unless you are specifically directed to do otherwise.

Finish counting

Stop counting at the finish time – don’t inflate the figures. We need to give councils accurate data, and analysis of data from adjacent count locations will expose any inaccurate counting.

The sooner we receive all count data, the sooner we can begin confirming data and processing payments to your nominated organisation.

Enter count data online

Enter your rider number and email. These were provided in the confirmation email. If you’ve lost that email, please send us a message. Follow the instructions on the screen and enter your count data and your observation comments.

Send in count sheets

Email your count sheet to by attaching a pdf or taking photos of your countsheets.

Verification of collected data

Bicycle Network can’t process invoices until we’ve checked and verified data from all count sites. This will take 4-6 weeks (or more in some cases) from the day of the count. Our counters have collected valuable data and we want to make sure it’s processed properly.


Previous Organisations:
If you elected an organisation that we have paid in the past, we will confirm their bank details with them and make the payment on your behalf. You will not be required to do anything.

New Organisations:
If you have elected an organisation that we have not paid before, we will request their payment details and seek confirmation from them. We aim to have all donations processed within 6-8 weeks of the count.

Super Counts Reports

Check out the 2022 Super Tuesday commuter results from across the nation, to see trends in growth, estimated gender of riders, total volumes and more.

Read more

Latest Super Counts news

Grab your spot for Super Tuesday 2025 commuter counts

Hundreds of volunteers will hit intersections during the morning rush to gather important data on active commuting.

Count bikes and raise money on Super Sunday

Registrations are now open for Bicycle Network’s Super Sunday recreational count, and volunteers are encouraged to lock in their spot and help us understand where...

Councils encouraged to sign up for Super Sunday bike counts

Bicycle Network is looking for expressions of interest from councils wanting to bolster their understanding of active transport in their area, by signing up for...

Australia’s e-bike hotspots reveal Tasmania leading the charge

People all over Australia are now choosing e-bikes for their commutes, but some areas are more popular than others, new Bicycle Network analysis reveals.

    Got a question? – Submit your enquiry below