The vital north-south bike route through Oakleigh to connect the Scotchmans Creek Trail and Djerring Trails could finally see the light of day.
The City of Monash is taking the first tentative steps with the proposed link along Atkinson-Hanover Street with plans now on exhibition for construction of a “demonstration" section of the route.
The initial stage is for a trial “demonstration” cycleway on the east side of Atkinson Street between Dandenong Road and Atherton Road, which affects parking, property access and side-street intersections with Atkinson Street, but provides a safe, much needed bike connection
As well as a two-way separated lane along the east side of Atkinson Street-Hanover Street, the route also takes a short dogleg down Burlington Street and Oxford Street to avoid the bridge over the rail line, and therefore to connecting to the Djerring Trail.
This section could be altered in a possible future development with a shared path connection through council and VicTrack land alongside the eastern embankment of the Hanover Street bridge connecting to the Djerring Trail. This is subject to VicTrack approval.
Bi-directional separated trails along roads are usually avoided in Melbourne, but in this case the configuration may be a suitable option due to the lack of driveways and laneways on the street.
Intersections will be a challenge, however the treatments proposed, including a new signalised intersection, minimise risks.
There are a number of major north-south roads though the south-east that are inviting to motor traffic, but unfriendly for bikes.
It makes sense to modify Atkinson-Hanover to accommodate those travelling by bike because it conveniently links two busy local trails that connect to the wider metropolitan network.
The City of Monash says the trial would be undertaken over 12 months to allow everyone an opportunity to try it before any permanent decisions are made.
The demonstration cycleway on east side of Atkinson Street would be between Dandenong and Atherton Roads as an initial stage of the route.
The draft concept plan for consultation until 1 May 2022.
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