

Distracted driving

Road safety that helps people riding

Tasmania’s upper house has opened an inquiry into road safety and is calling for submissions on how we can cut the unnaceptablly high number of deaths and injuries on our roads.
Eyes reveal drowsy drivers’ secrets

Eyes reveal drowsy drivers’ secrets

Research continues in Victoria into technology that can identify driver fatigue with a roadside test, with new trials are underway utilising pupil scanning.

Distracted driving cameras confirmed for Victoria

Victoria will go ahead with a $33.7 million investment in roadside cameras that can detect distracted driving after a trial found one in 42 people were using a mobile phone while behind the wheel.
NSW Police

Major crackdown on reckless driving in NSW

NSW Police and Crime Stoppers have launched a major crackdown on life threatening behaviour, calling on road users to help report drink, drug, dangerous and distracted driving.
Car driver using mobile phone

Phone distraction crackdown

The Victorian government this week launches a high-tech camera system that can detect drivers using mobile phones, and have a fine on the way in seconds.