Vote Bike 2018
The Victorian Coalition have promised to reboot 'Life. Be in it' Norm if they win the November state election as a way to promote active lifestyles for families.
St Kilda Road bike lanes a reality under Labor
Protected bike lanes down the centre of St Kilda Road will become a reality if the Labor Party wins the election in November.
Council electioneering gears up
All Tasmanian councils are up for re-election in October 2018, so here's your chance to get bicycles on the agenda.
Legco candidates take safer cycling pledge
Bicycle Network is asking candidates in the Prosser and Hobart Legislative Council elections on 5 May to sign the Safer Cycling Pledge.
Tasmanian election 2018 countdown
The Tasmanian election is on 3 March and most of the parties have made their pitches to bike riders.
Ride2School promise boon for health, safety
The Liberal Party’s commitment today to fund three years of the Bicycle Network Ride2School program in conjunction with the RACT’s road awareness program will give young Tasmanians the skills they need to stay safer while riding.
Labor’s tracks and trails funding good first step
Bicycle Network has welcomed the Tasmanian Labor announcement of a $4 million tracks and trails fund as a good first step but warned it will not be enough to effect real change.
Ask what the parties are doing for bikes
With only a couple weeks until the election, our Active Transport Forums are your chance to ask the parties what they're doing for bikes.
Election promises ignoring bicycle potential
It’s just over two weeks to go until the Tasmanian election and none of the political parties have committed to the spending needed to get more people riding.
Liberals’ new bicycle grants good first step
The Liberals promised $2 million bicycle infrastructure grants program is a welcome first step, but ongoing funding is needed.