


Can I still ride my bike outdoors?

Bicycle Network has advice about when, where and who you can ride with during coronavirus restrictions. Advice was last updated on Monday 16 August 2021.
Exercise can fight COVID

Exercise can fight COVID

A major new study has found that physical activity, such as regular bike riding, is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself against the COVID-19 virus.

COVID loves obesity

Another great reason to keep riding has emerged with research now confirming a worrying relationship between obesity and the impacts of COVID-19.

COVID has lessons for road safety

A powerful new report urges the government to learn the lessons of COVID-19 and apply them to the development of the new National Road Safety Strategy.
Traffic noise

The shock of the quiet

Without the incessant thrum of motors, wheels and exhausts, our world is revealing a soundscape that has been hidden from us since the advent of motordom.
brompton bike hire NHS

Two wheels to the rescue

Brompton have committed to delivering over 1,000 of their iconic folding bikes to health care workers across England to travel to and from work safely.
Cycling coronavirus

Bikes lead the way through crisis

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to develop, many cities are turning to the bicycle to help them navigate the unprecedented challenge to global health.
ride2work day


While we face a lot more time at home than we’re used to, “keeping your commute” is one way to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Virus shutdown could open up streets

A New York hurtles headlong towards becoming the world’s next coronavirus epicentre it is moving to close traffic-sparse streets to cars and open them up to bikes, runners and walkers.