

February 2019

movement and place

New system to fix road planning conflicts

A fresh approach to transport planning in Victoria could result in better connected roads and public transport and a compelling mesh of easy-to-ride bike routes.
metro tunnel

Construction trucks fenced in by GPS

The Melbourne Metro Tunnel project is using innovative GPS technology to keep construction vehicles on approved roads and away from bike riders.
stony creek

Hospital-Creek connection a lifesaver

Melbourne Water is looking into revitalising the section of Stony Creek that runs along the back of Sunshine Hospital which would create a new bike route.

Timely re-think on school boundaries

A review of how school zone boundaries are set is underway, and Bicycle Network would like to see the opportunity for active travel to school taken in to consideration.
GM e-bike

GM see bike future ahead

General Motors has joined the long conga line of car companies looking to enter the bike business as car sales retreat, with a snazzy new design.

Crashing solo is half the problem

A new study has confirmed that half of the bike injuries on the road come from crashes that involve just one vehicle: your bike.

Fork fail leads to death

A sudden mechanical failure has lead to the tragic death of an Ocean Grove rider, igniting reminders for all riders to regularly check the structural integrity of older bikes.