Liveable cities
As Australia's big-city politicians push to squeeze more cars along their streets, Paris continues its successful strategy to filter cars out, giving more space to people and making streets more attractive and economically vibrant.
Amsterdam’s underwater bike garage opens with 7,000 spaces
In Amsterdam, bike storage has become a problem in need of creative solutions.
Narre Warren Station for bikes
Designs for the new Narre Warren Station and level crossing removal at Webb Street have been released.
The Greenline Project is more than just a river trail
The City of Melbourne’s Greenline project could spark a billion dollar investment surge, according to the just-released business case.
Glasgow’s Bike Bus given the green light
Riding a bike to school in Glasgow just got safer thanks to an innovative device that allows the Shawlands Bike Bus to control the traffic.
How to get more cargo bikes on the street
Cargo bikes are on the up as communities seek to reduce traffic congestion and emissions in cities, either by commercial logistics or household doing their own schlepping.
Low-carbon freight can carry the load
The heat is on the Australian transport sector to front up to its responsibilities to reduce emissions, and cargo bikes can be a quick, easy and cost-effective first step.
Continuing the momentum of Ride2School Day
Few things beat the colour and excitement of seeing kids with ear-to-ear smiles, wind in their hair, enjoying the fun, freedom and independence of riding to school.
Bikes on buses in the bush trial
Transport for NSW is calling on local residents in Wagga Wagga to help shape the state’s first ‘Bikes on Buses in the Bush’ trial.
Victoria Walks joins calls for safer speeds
Victoria Walks has called for safer speed limits on local streets and in busy pedestrian areas to encourage more people to walk and reduce crash risks.