

May 2022

Box Hill unblocked for bikes

A major redevelopment of the Box Hill Central shopping centre will clear the way for desperately needed new bike connections through the precinct.

New recycling scheme gets pumping

The Victorian Government is moving towards the introduction of a container deposit scheme. The empty beer bottle that ends up as glass shards in your tyre will be worth ten cents for recycling.

Tassie Bike News Bites

Councils working to remove barriers on paths, build new paths and ask your opinion on widening existing paths are all in this edition of Bike News Bites, along with our latest Back on your Bike sessions in Devonport.

‘Leave cars at home’, says Ford

Ford Europe has just launched a new campaign call Park the Car. Yes, they want you to leave the car parked at home in the garage at least one day a week.

Celebrate winter with a warming ride

As we head into the winter months there are still plenty of social rides being organised to keep you warm, including a Christmas in June. celebration.

Vivente Bikes to roll out from Tasmania

While many bike manufacturers head to Asia for cost efficiencies, founder and managing director of Vivente Bikes, Noel McFarlane, has decided it makes more economic sense for him to move operations to his north-west Tasmanian farm.