Melbourne’s inner north is ground zero for our transformation away from car-based travel, and such is the acceleration of public and active transport in the area, the City of Moreland has brought forward its next-generation transport planning.
Instead of a new integrated transport strategy kicking off in 2020 as originally scheduled, the City has warped the space/time continuum and is getting the planning process rolling now.
It wants you to contribute. You can fill in the survey here, and make suggestions on the map here.
There are two informative background reports here, and here.
Bike transport will be crucial to the prosperity of Melbourne’s inner north.
Population is booming and people need to get to good jobs in Parkville and the CBD, yet the trains are crowded and the trams are stuck in traffic.
Bikes routes, north-south and east-west need massive improvement to service this growing community.
The City says the new strategy will focus on what it can do directly to improve transport in Moreland, such as new or improved routes for pedestrians and cyclists, and traffic management works that help reduce speeding or unnecessary through traffic on local roads.
It will also identify the most effective ways for Council to work with other bodies that have responsibility for transport, such as VicRoads and Public Transport Victoria.
“This strategy will do more than just aspire and advocate for change,” the City says.
"Some very concrete and game changing initiatives could come from it depending on what you tell us. One of these could be the requirement for developers to help fund infrastructure that supports sustainable transport.
A Parking Strategy for the Coburg and Brunswick Activity Centres is being developed at the same time as the new Moreland Integrated Transport Strategy.
This will determine whether the correct amount of car parking is being provided in these areas, including whether this supports a shift towards sustainable transport modes (walking, cycling and using public transport).