Planning for a major east-west bike corridor from Caulfield to St Kilda has been stepped up as more streets are investigated for the route.
The City of Glen Eira had previously explored Inkerman Street as the proposed corridor, but has now introduced Dandenong Road and Alma Road as potentially part of the solution.
Keeping Glen Eira Moving from Glen Eira City Council on Vimeo.
Inkerman was originally identified as the best option in the municipality’s integrated transport strategy released last year.
This was reaffirmed as The Department of Transport evaluated potential routes for Melbourne’s metropolitan wide-future network of strategic cycling corridors.
These choices were part of a general move in transport planning towards prioritising certain modes — trams, buses, bikes, cars, freight — on certain roads.
Inkerman Street as a bike corridor has both strong support and loud opposition from within the North Caulfield and East St Kilda communities.
The council has written to 8000 residents two inform them they are now assessing four route options relating to safety for bike riders, impact on neighbourhood and feasibility of construction.
The information collected will be considered during September and then the four options will be released for feedback.
By 2031 Glen Eira expects to have more than 30,000 new residents, 14,000 new dwellings and 9,500 additional jobs, and if travel patterns don’t change there will be an additional 22,400 additional cars on the roads of the municipality.
This obviously can’t happen given that there is never going to be any more road capacity, so people will be switching to public and active transport—if it is planned for and provided.
The City has also foreshadowed the release of a number of other transport initiatives soon, including a new draft Walking and Accessibility Action Plan; a draft Parking Policy; a draft Cycling Action Plan and a draft Public Transport Advocacy Plan.
Read the Information Sheet here.
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