

March 2020

congestion solution con

The congestion solution con

A new US report into congestion indicates that the billion dollar projects building new roads, bridges and freeways to solve traffic congestion are failing.
Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail

New rail trail opening in NSW

The Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail is set to officially open this April, after decades of campaigning for more places to ride in rural New South Wales.

Sprent Loops cater to all comers with 4 options

The Bike Week plethora of social rides on offer is no longer, but our north-west riders can’t stay idle for long and have organised a Spent Loops ride for their regular last Sunday of the month outing.

Get paid to scrap your car

Dangerously high levels of pollution is encouraging one UK city to pay people to send the family sedan to the scrap heap, funded by the national government.
merri creek detour

Merri Creek connection cut

The shared path through Thomas Kidney Reserve will be closed to users from next Monday 16 March for up to four weeks.