The state government has floated a bold concept that could greatly improve the quality of bike connections through Sunshine.
The proposal—known as the Hampshire Road Bridge Spurline—could solve a very gnarly problem that has bedevilled attempts to make central Sunshine friendly for active travel: getting across the railway line.
The concept would involve converting the use of the existing northern section of Hampshire Road bridge for riders and pedestrians.
This would mean that cars could continue to cross Hampshire Road Bridge but would no longer be able to exit directly from Hampshire Road Bridge to Harvester Road.
The government says this idea could:
- create a new walking and cycling line over the rail corridor
- connect Sun Crescent to Hampshire Road
- high-street become a local feature that reflects Sunshine’s character
- sustainably re-use existing infrastructure
The proposal is one of a batch of new ideas that has emerged during the work on a new master plan for the station and the surround precinct.
The public area on both sides of the station are badly planned and unattractive.
With the station becoming a hub for connections between regional Victoria and the new Airport Rail line, there is an urgent need to make the precinct both more functional and more presentable.
As part of the airport rail project, there is already a plan to provide another platform access overpass at the station’s southern end.
However, station overpasses usually mean long ramps and lifts, not always ideal for bike travellers.
The new Spurline crossing would provide an alternative that could work for many riders.
You can comment on the idea here.
There will be public information sessions at Sunshine Street Market on Friday 18 March from 12:00pm-2:00pm or at Sunshine Station on Monday 21 March from 4:00pm-6:00pm.
Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan said: “Off the back of major upgrades planned for Sunshine Station itself, we’re encouraging people to have their say on how we can best plan for the future of the area around the station—a future transport superhub.”
“Whether you walk, ride or take public transport we’re asking locals near Sunshine Station to tell us what’s important to them for the future of this key connection in the west.”
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