
Shepherd Bridge Footscray
Space squeeze at Shepherd Bridge

Riders will need to be careful, and breathe in, as they cross Shepherd Bridge on the Footscray Road Trail in the coming months.

A section of path will be narrowed as the first steps are taken to begin the construction of the Veloway to the City.

This location is on the descent for riders heading east along Footscray Road towards the Sims Street loop traffic lights.

The changes kick-in on this Friday 30 April and will be in place for six months.

The path will be narrowed to 2 metres with 300mm shoulders during the works.

This is tight for a busy path, and particular care will be required to ensure that conflict is minimised, as pedestrians also use this bridge.

There will be insufficient width for passing other bikes when the path is busy.

Riders on the descent will need to control their speed and riders on the ascent should be aware that passing slower riders could be hazardous.

There will be advanced warning and signage to alert riders to the changed conditions.

The path is being narrowed to allow the construction of a connecting bridge between Shepherd Bridge and the future Veloway.

The Veloway is the express bike path between Footscray and the CBD that will hang from the new elevated road above Footscray Road that carries traffic to and from the West Gate Tunnel.

Some heavy duty construction work is required to cut into Shepherd Bridge to slot in the new connection.

This work demands there be a safe distance between the riders and the worksite, hence the narrowing of the path.

Rider should endeavour to adjust quickly to the conditions around this squeezepoint.

Bicycle Network will monitor the situation, in conjunction with the project and contractors.

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