
White long-tail cargo bike with child seat parked in front of a childcare centre with parking limit sign on the fence.
Tassie e-bike no-interest loans start

The Tasmanian Government’s new no-interest loans for e-bikes are now open for applications.

The Climate Change Office announced the initiative in its Transport Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plan last year.

The loans are being delivered through the existing Tasmanian Energy Saver Loan Scheme, which offers loans for home appliances that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Adding e-bikes to the mix of products that can be purchased with the loan makes sense as transport accounts for a significant proportion of households’ emissions.

The loans give people the money to buy an e-bike up to the value of $10,000 and then 1–3 years to pay off the loan without having to pay interest.

As the purchase cost of an ebike, and especially a cargo e-bike, can be a disincentive to many people, these loans will allow for a greater uptake.

Having $10,000 as the limit will allow the purchase of many cargo e-bike models which can help people get rid of a second car.

Swapping car trips for an e-bike means the loan can be paid back with money saved from petrol, parking and other vehicle costs.

The $10,000 is the cap for all products purchased so if households have already used the scheme to buy solar panels or a heat pump, then they'll have less to spend on an e-bike.

So far only two e-bike suppliers, Teros and 99 Bikes in Hobart, are listed as accredited suppliers.

Cargo e-bike grants for businesses
A Tasmanian Government program for small businesses wanting to buy a cargo e-bike opened on Thursday 6 February, with $2500 grants available.
There is only $300,000 allocated to the program and it also includes $20,000 grants for electric vans so businesses will have to be quick if they are interested in getting a cargo bike grant as it will be a first come, first served distribution.