
Queensland slows down e-scooters
Tougher rules and penalties for e-scooter riders in Queensland

The Queensland Government has rolled out stronger legislation for e-scooter use this week, with costly penalties for those that break the rules.

The e-scooter reforms that came into force on 1 November include speed limit reductions, new fines and mandating warning bells.

And the fines are hefty. Riders have been warned that they could face fines as high as $1,078 for offences involving illegal road use and holding a mobile phone while riding.

Fines for speeding offences would be based on a tiered system similar to bikes and motor vehicles. Offenders may be hit with tickets ranging from $143 to $575 depending on how far over the speed limit they were travelling.

Riding while intoxicated may result in a fine of $431 under the reforms.

The new rules and penalties have been put in place due to a rising number of serious injuries in Queensland related to e-scooter use.

The new rules apply not just to e-scooters, but also e-skateboards and other personal mobility devices.

Other reforms include:

  • Reducing speed limits to 12kmh on footpaths and shared paths (unless otherwise signposted).
  • Allowing e-scooters and other devices to be ridden in bike lanes on roads with a speed limit of 50kmh or less
  • Maintaining a 2-metre distance with the back of a vehicle
  • Mandating a working bell and effective stopping system

A detailed list of the new rules and regulations can be found here.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey has said that e-scooters are “here to stay and their riders have an equal responsibility to road safety as motorists, cyclist, truck drivers and motorcyclists. It’s important they’re safe for the riders and those they interact with on our footpaths and roads“.

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