While it’s easy to get caught up in the Christmas rush, we can’t forget about three major projects that need the attention of our members and the wider bike riding community before this Friday 15 December.
We know that collective action makes a difference. This is our chance the make sure these projects meet the needs of current and future bike riders.
Please spread the word and share this link.
#Togetherwecan get centrally located bike lanes on St Kilda Road
The release of draft plans for the new Domain Station that show the wrong bike lane infrastructure through the precinct.
With more than 3,000 bike riders using St Kilda Road daily and busy driveways and roads along the road, kerbside bicycle lanes aren’t an acceptable option.
Make it clear in your feedback to Melbourne Metro, the Roads Minister and Premier that the only acceptable option are centrally located bike lanes through the precinct.
Learn more and take urgent action before Friday 15 December .
#Togetherwecan make bikes a priority at Parkville Station
It’s clear that bike infrastructure has been given a low priority in the planning for the street network around Melbourne’s new underground Parkville station.
Current plans show unprotected and narrow bike lanes squeezed into Grattan Street and Royal Parade. The inadequate facilities do not meet the needs of current or future people who ride.
Learn more and give your feedback to Melbourne Metro before Friday 15 December.
#Togetherwecan fix the Sydney Harbour Bridge steps
A lack of ramp access to and from the northern end of the Sydney Harbour Bridge has long been a source of frustration for bike riders.
Designs are for both the northern and southern end of the Sydney Harbour Bridge cycleway are now open for public comment until Friday 15 December.
Learn more about what Bicycle Network thinks of the designs and take action.