
Lilyfield Road cycleway, Inner West Council NSW
Have your say on the Lilyfield Road Cycleway

Inner West Council are calling for public feedback on a proposed cycleway along Lilyfield Road.

The separated bicycle path will connect people to the Cooks River, Bay Run, Victoria Road, ANZAC Bridge and ongoing such as Newtown and Sydney CBD. 

Funded by the NSW Government, the revised draft concept plan is the outcome of initial community feedback and surveys. 

Public comment on the Lilyfield Cycleway closes on 2 February. 

What we like:
  • Clear separation for people riding, walking and driving. People riding bikes are protected by plantings and parked cars rather than adjacent to the traffic flow
  • Planned landscaping that will provide shade and a more pleasant riding experience and well as a more liveable streetscape
  • Traffic calming measures and speed reductions
What we’d like to see:
  • We would like to see single direction cycleways on each side of the street rather than one path going in both directions
  • If a two-way path is necessary, we would like to see the proposed crossing at Edward Street changed to one regulated by traffic lights, in a place where the view of the bike crossing will not be obstructed by busses a the lay-over or bus-stop.

Why not take the chance to have your say about the features that work for you, and any concerns you have?


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