
Thank-you lunch, rides and weekends away

If you’ve parked a bike, counted a commuter or helped out on a ride then lunch is on us.

On Sunday 20 May we are holding a thank-you lunch for all our volunteers to celebrate Volunteer Week on 21–27 May.

Lunch is from 12.45pm at Mawson Pavilion on Hobart’s waterfront. We’ll have a few sandwiches and hear from our volunteer committee on what’s been happening and what’s coming up.

Bicycle Network’s General Manager of Events, Rebecca Lane, will be along to talk about rides being planned around the country for 2018–19.

If you feel like working up an appetite before lunch there is a group ride from Glenorchy and South Hobart to the waterfront. Meet at the Glenorchy Council rose gardens at 11.50am for a 12 noon start and at the C3 Convention Centre along the Hobart Rivulet path at 12pm for 12.15pm start. 

The Glenorchy to waterfront ride is an easy 9km along the Intercity Cycleway suitable for all riders and the Hobart Rivulet Track ride will be shorter and a combination of off-road and on-road. There are four bike hoops on Franklin Wharf for parking and poles nearby.

Please RSVP as soon as you can to give us an idea of numbers for catering.

Weekend on Bruny

Bruny Island is proving popular for our weekend social rides. We’ve got another coming up on on the 25–27 May weekend with the choice of camping for one or two nights. 

Leaving from Kettering on the 10am Friday ferry, the group will cycle to North Bruny and camp on private property. Then on the Saturday morning they will be up bright and early to meet anyone coming over on the 10am ferry before riding to South Bruny to bush camp south of the Neck.

Hybrid bikes, touring bikes and mountain bikes with reasonably wide tyres (say 38mm+) and fairly low gearing are best suited for this ride as surfaces will include asphalt, gravel and bush tracks.

Daily distances ridden will be about 30–35km and they are aiming for a maximum group size of 6–8 people.

If you are interested please send an email to before 22 May.

Weekend in Deloraine

At the other end of the state on the same weekend, you can enjoy a weekend of riding around Deloraine with the Western Tiers as your backdrop.

Meet at the Deloraine Train Park on Saturday 26 May at 11am for the day’s ride of about 40km. Saturday night will be dinner at Cycles Cafe and staying where you want.

On Sunday we’ll meet at the same place and time for a different loop of about 40km again.

If you are interested please RSVP to

International Bike Day

To mark the first ever UN Bike Day we’re going for a ride on kunanyi/Mount Wellington.

Meet at 9.45am in the carpark of the Ferntree Tavern with your hybrid or mountain bike for a 2.5 hour ride exploring the Pipeline Track.

Bring your own snacks, water and warm, waterproof clothes.
