
Free public screening of Why We Cycle

As part of our Bike Futures Conference in Hobart, we're opening up a special free screening of the film Why We Cycle for our members and friends.

The film will screen on Thursday 5 July from 3.15pm–4.30pm at the University of Tasmania Medical Science Precinct - 17 Liverpool Street, Hobart.

This charming new Dutch documentary details the effects of cycling on people, society and the organisation of cities in the world’s most bike friendly nation.

The Netherlands made the choice in the 1970s to plan a transport system that put people before cars, come along to the Bike Futures seminar screening to see exactly how that decision has turned out.

The film will be introduced by transport consultant Dr Elliot Fishman, who has recently returned from a study trip in The Netherlands.  


What: Why We Cycle free screening
Where: University of Tasmania Medical Science Precinct, 17 Liverpool Street, Hobart
Main Lecture Theatre
When: 3.15pm–4.30pm, Thursday 5 July