Join us for our Gunns Plains Loop ride this Sunday 26 August and grab your dose of forest and farmland in a route of just over 24 kilometres.
We’ll be meeting at Gunns Plain Hall on the corner of Gunns Plains and Raymond roads for a 11am departure and finish at about 2pm.
The ride will wind through the beautiful Leven Valley and Preston’s farmlands, taking Gunns Plains Road, Raymond Road and Preston Road.
The loop direction will be decided on the day depending on winds, and there will be the option to visit Wings Wildlife Park along the way. The park features Tasmanian, Australian and overseas animals and entry costs $27.
Total climb will be 482 metres and all roads are sealed.
Please RSVP to Roger Nichols so you can be contacted if the ride has to be cancelled due to bad weather.
This ride is being offered as part of Bicycle Network Tasmania’s social rides program. Social rides are free and organised by volunteers to help other people meet new people, learn new skills and gain confidence on their bikes.
You can keep up to date on all the social rides with In the Loop and on the Social Rides website.