The thousands of bike riders coming into the city over Princes Bridge each day have been left in a perilous position following the mysterious disappearance of the bike lane outside Flinders Street Station.
The bike lane is blocked by construction work and bikes are being forced into the adjacent traffic lane.
The move has put riders at risk of serious injury.
The works are part of the security upgrade of the station, and as part of the work the bike lane was supposed to be closed, but only for one night.
According to correspondence to Bicycle Network from the project, a new bike lane should have been in operation from Wednesday morning.
But there is nothing. And no explanation for the blunder has been forthcoming.
The work is a joint project by the Department of Justice and the City of Melbourne.
As with all such works, traffic management plans would have to be approved by the authorities.
Our understanding is that those plans describe the works as being undertaken at night to minimise disruption.
A night time closure of the bike lane was acceptable as it should have meant that the bike facility would be available during the bike-busy day.
The current situation is totally unacceptable. There needs to be a solution found today.
Please contact the City of Melbourne on 03 9658 9658 and email the Lord Mayor and let them know that riders will not tolerate another day of this dangerous situation.
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