
Shearwater Loop an easy, fun autumn ride

With all the Bike Week activities that have been going on, only having one social ride to spruik this week feels a bit odd but we’ve got a quality one for you on Sunday 31 March.

The Shearwater Loop is one of our popular rides, starting and ending at 23 The Esplanade, Shearwater with its views over Port Sorell to Narawntapu National Park.

From Shearwater we go inland past the Port Sorell Conservation Area and Squeaking Point taking quiet, sealed roads through Thirstane, Moriarty, and Northdown before heading back into Shearwater.

These are country roads through farmland, with the start and finish of the roads through residential areas.

There are a couple of options for how the ride can finish, including along a shared path that the group will decide on the day.

The 28 km ride will being at 11 am and has ascents of only 240 metres and we plan to finish around 1 pm with a BYO lunch at  our ride leaders’ Prue and John Lake’s place.

RSVPs are essential so we can contact you if the ride needs to be called off due to weather.

This ride is being offered as part of Bicycle Network Tasmania’s social rides program. Social rides are free and organised by volunteers to help riders meet new people, learn new skills and gain confidence on their bikes.

Upcoming rides

Social rides are featured in each edition of In the Loop, but if you want more notice visit our social rides calendar, which is regularly updated.

The strength of our social rides program depends on members volunteering to lead rides. Leading social rides is a fun way to "give back" to the riding community, and to help us to get "more people riding, more often".  

Bicycle Network Tasmania accredits Social Ride Leaders, and requires anyone interested in leading rides to be accredited. If you would like to be one of our Ride Leaders, please volunteer and we'll let you know when the next Ride Leader skills development workshop is scheduled.