Bikes are being detoured around Somerville Road in Kingsville due to work to renew the M102 Water Main under the road.
Melbourne Water has suggested detours around the works as shown on this map.
Project works are now focused on Somerville Road, near the Kingsville Primary School.
This includes the removal of existing bike lanes on both sides of Somerville Road between Julian Street and Adeleigh Street in Yarraville, as well as traffic management signage advising of the temporary detours to the north and south of the works.
During the works, which will be delivered in stages over the next few months, motor traffic will be diverted to the northern side of Somerville Road, with all vehicle traffic lanes to be maintained in both directions.
Concrete barriers along the middle of the road are separating the works from traffic flows, as such to maintain bi-directional traffic, all motorists are being shifted into the existing east-bound traffic lane, and into the existing cycle lane and on-road parking bays.
Speed is reduced through the work zone and lane widths have been reduced.
Melbourne Water have produced a short video about the project and a detour map is also available.