Off-road Branxholm–Derby link underway
Work has started on the new 8km linking trail between Derby and Branxholm providing an easy, safe riding route between the two towns.
The track is being built by Dorset Council with the help of a $200,000 Building Better Regions grant from the federal government. It starts at the Branxholm Recreation Ground, goes along the old road via Valley Pond and then alongside the Ringarooma River and ending at the entrance to Derby.
Keep an eye on the Blue Derby Mountain Bike Trails Facebook page for updates on the progress of the work.
Huon Road sealing set to start
The City of Hobart is about to start work on sealing the uphill edges of Huon Road in three places and want to know what you think.
You can see the plans and provide your feedback on the council's Your Say web page until 12 November.
Most of the sealing will happen between Stickland Avenue and the Fern Tree Tavern, but there are a couple of spots lower down where sealing can provide some extra room in tight spots.
The process will be a “slurry seal” rather than a rebuild of the road to create a completely smooth surface.
Ride2Work prize sent north
For the second year in a row our Tasmanian Ride2Work Day prize has been won by a Launcestonian - congratulations Rachael McIntee!
Rachael lives in Newstead and visited our recent E-bike Expo to pick up her super slick Henty messenger bag prize with her two sons.
SWAG Family trip nears its end
Have you been following the adventures of Tassie's SWAG Family on Facebook?
Andrew and Nicola Hughes and their children Hope and Wilfy have been riding around Australia since January this year on two tandem bicycles as part of a primary school education project.
You can track their journey and see all the fascinating reports and interviews they've conducted at
They are due back in Tasmania at the end of this year and we are hoping to host a talk from them about bike touring with children as part of Bike Week 2020, so stay tuned!
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