Maribyrnong City is developing a new Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan for the next 10 years.
The Road Safety Strategy will focus on:
- Safer roads: Roads play a vital part in helping reduce crashes and minimise the severity of injuries if there is an accident.
- Safer Speeds: Speed is one of the major factors contributing to accidents on Victoria's roads, and while TAC statistics show less people are speeding, they also show people driving over the speed limit. As speed increases, so does the risk of crashing and being seriously injured or killed. Reducing speed can result in a significant reduction in road trauma.
- Safer People: Everybody has a key role to play in preventing injury and death on the road. As road users we all need to comply with road rules, be safety conscious and alert in order to create a road safety culture where no one regards injury or death on the road as inevitable. As a community, each driver, pedestrian, cyclist or motorcycle rider is responsible for avoiding dangerous and unsafe behaviour.
- Safer shared paths and footpaths: Shared paths are multi-user paths for people of all ages and paces including pedestrians, joggers, children on scooters or roller-skates, families with prams and dog walkers. They are also used by recreational cyclists, commuting riders, as well as families visiting parks.
The results of the community survey will be analysed to identify key insights and get a clear evidence-based picture of community perceptions.
The council says that as far as possible, results will be used to establish a baseline for road safety actions and performance measurement.
All feedback will remain confidential.
Council’s Online Survey is now live on Your City Your Voice and hard copies with reply paid envelopes will be distributed to all libraries & community centres.
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