
Interruption to Capital City Trail

The water main project along Canning Street, North Carlton, moves across to the Capital City Trail next week, requiring a short detour for bikes.

The location where the new Canning Street main connects into the existing water main network is almost right under the trail, so it will have to be closed off and dug up.

The CCT has been very busy on warm days recently, as families get out on bikes and foot to get their essential exercise, so riders should take care.

The detour will take bikes onto Park Street for the short hop around the works compound.

No bikes will be able to travel south on Canning Street as work starts soon at the Pigdon Street roundabout, where contractors will tunnel underneath the roundabout in order to preserve the tree and underground services.

Southbound bikes will therefore continue along the CCT detour and then turn down Rathdowne Street.

Riders will then be able to return to Canning Street at the Fenwick Street intersection and continue heading south on Canning Street.

Signage and traffic management will be present.

This detour is expected to be in place for 6 to 8 weeks and will be the final stage of works to be completed on Canning Street.

Contractors will then complete a full asphalt re-sheet of the southbound lane of Canning Street and ensure a smooth surface is left for bike riders.

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