Another 30 kilometres will be added to the Murray to Mountain Trail by next autumn, the state government announced today.
The $5.2 million investment is to help the north east regions economic recovery.
The extension to the trail is part of the government’s $12 million North East Victoria Cycling Optimisation (NEVCO), better known as Ride High Country.
All up it will add about 30 kilometres of sealed trail to link Beechworth to Yackandandah, and Yackandandah to Osbornes Flat.
Construction of the new trail is expected to create 34 jobs and when completed next year, it is estimated that more than 7,600 additional visitors will use the trail annually.
It is expected to create 28 ongoing jobs and generate an extra $3.1 million of visitor expenditure in the region.
Already a popular destination among locals, the previously constructed trail sections have been in high use during COVID-19 restrictions, with community consultation and engagement helping to inform future trail sections.
In addition to the Beechworth to Yackandandah trail, the project includes the development and delivery of a four- year marketing campaign that will further help attract visitors back to the region, supporting regional jobs and making sure more Victorian families can experience the best our state has to offer.
Funding for the rail trail project was a direct response to the Ovens Murray Regional Partnership, which identified increasing cycle tourism as a key priority.
Minister for Regional Development, Jaclyn Symes, said: “This exciting project will position the North East as one of the world’s top destinations for trail cycling, boosting tourism, growing jobs and putting regional Victoria at the forefront of our recovery.
“The North East has something for everyone and the best of everything – that’s why we’re investing in infrastructure to ensure the region is an even better place to live, work and visit.”
Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, Martin Pakula said: “The High Country is an amazing destination – this project will put the trail on top of every rider’s must-do list.”
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