Work began last week on Wollongong's latest pop-up cycleway project – transforming a section of Smith Street into a one-way street with a separated cycleway.
These works are part of Council’s focus on delivering improvements to cycling infrastructure and making it easier and more appealing to opt for two-wheeled transport across the city.
The section of Smith Street between Keira and Kembla streets will be closed on the southern side of the road, including parking, during works which include removal of existing line markings, provisions of new line marking and traffic separators to create a new cycleway on the southern side of Smith Street.
Access will still be available for Smith Street in a one-way easterly direction during works, which are expected to take approximately two weeks, weather permitting.
Families of students at Wollongong Primary School will still be able to access the kiss and drop area on the southern side of Smith Street, and residents can still place bins out for collection as normal.
Traffic control will include barriers, signage, extra VMS boards indicating that there is ‘No Left Turn’ from Church to Smith Street and at the roundabout from Kembla to Smith Street.
“These works are outlined in Council’s Cycling Strategy 2030 and, when finished, will provide an east-west cycling link that will complement our existing cycleways and shared pathways as well as others planned,’’ Wollongong City Lord Mayor Councillor Gordon Bradbery AM said.
”We understand we’re asking drivers to change their habits when it comes to how they move about that part of the city. Those who don’t frequent Wollongong CBD often may be surprised by these changes.
“However, this work is essential in making our city more cycle-friendly for bike riders of all skills and levels of experience. We will have signage in place during the work to help mitigate any confusion as people find their way around.
“These new cycleways are diversifying opportunities for transport through Wollongong, and are not only helping the environment, but providing people opportunities to live healthier lifestyles.”
A full list of changes to Smith Street and other pop-up cycling routes are available on the council's website.
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