The popular Gardiners Creek Trail through Burwood and Ashwood is set for a significant upgrade.
Construction starts today between Highbury Road to High Street Road.
Although well used, the existing trail in this section along Gardiners Creek is narrow and can create friction between riders and other path users during peak times.
Widening of the path to three metres will improve safety and amenity for all users.
A detour is in place around the works area, using Vannam Drive, Ashwood Drive and Montpellier Road.

The project is being done in a continuous stage this year, rather than over a number of years. It will speed up the works, lessen impact on path users and prove a better experience for the public earlier than might otherwise have been the case.
Monash City has secured funding for the upgrade through the Federal Government's Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, Phases 1 and 2, via the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.
The works will include:
- Construction of a 3m wide concrete shared path following the existing alignment
- Associated line markings, signage and flush-mounted stud delineation
- Removal of one tree in declining health and one small tree to allow for the alignment of the new path. The removal of this vegetation is necessary to construct the new path. The trees will be repurposed to provide habitat logs in the area.
- Replacement planting of vegetation in an area that does not impact the path.
Gardiners Creek Trail will be closed to through traffic during the construction period, with traffic management in place. The construction works will be completed by the end of June 2021.