Parliament delves into road safety concerns
The Legislative Council is asking for submissions into any aspect of road safety in Tasmania by 27 August, and one of the inquiry members Bastian Siedel MLC has already put cycling safety on the table.
“We were meant to have dedicated and safe cycling routes in Tasmania. They were meant to encourage the uptake of cycling to and from work, to schools and universities. But when I’m riding my bike, I can’t help but noticing that there is more glass on the road than in the local bottle shop. It is not inspiring confidence,” he said in a Facebook post this week.
Bicycle Network will be making a submission to the inquiry, with more information in the next edition of IN THE LOOP. If you’d like to contribute suggestions to the Bicycle Network submission, email
The RACT is also asking people to share their thoughts to potentially be included in its submission to the inquiry.
E-bikes accepted into Rail Trail Run and Ride
Get your e-bikes ready, this year's Rail Trail Run & Ride on Sunday 19 September is inviting powered pedals to enter the 54 km section ride.
Ride distances on offer are 7 km, 18 km, 30 km and 54 km and all start from the Scottsdale trail head.
Entry applications open 1 August at

Government opens way for e-scooters
The Tasmanian Government has announced changes to the law to allow electric scooters and skateboards up to certain speeds to use footpaths, shared paths and roads, but not main roads or highways.
The changes would be in place by summer and would coincide with the proposed micro-mobility trials in Hobart and Launceston.
Your chance to shape centre of Macquarie Point
Macquarie Point Development Corporation has started planning how the public open space at the centre of the site will look and what it will be used for, so if you want to be able to ride in or through it get online and fill out the survey!
Also, work begins on Monday 2 August on the new stairs up the side of the Cenotaph hill so the shared path will be diverted around the works.
The work is expected to take about 3 months, and will cut into the embankment on the blind corner to improve sight lines for all users.

City of Hobart re-opens Slides Track
City of Hobart has re-opened the Slides Track on kunanyi/Mt Wellington after finishing several weeks of work building up the berms for a better downhill ride.
They reckon it will take about a month for the work to bed down, so be prepared for some softness and keep in mind this is a shared, dual direction track.