Hectic Ferguson Street in central Williamstown—a key east-west link for bike riders and for motor traffic—is to get an upgrade which will make it safer for people on bikes and walking.
The project has received Blackspot funding towards the improvements.
The street has a record of multiple traffic incidents occurring along the length of the street involving people walking, riding, and driving.
Plans are now on exhibition for public comment.
The proposal includes raised zebra crossings, buffered bike lanes, clear line marking, and electronic 40kmh signs to encourage drivers to slow and make it clear that there are many people walking and riding in the area.
The street connects from Melbourne Road in the west and The Strand in the east, and because it connects to the western suburbs across the rail corridor, it distributes considerable traffic into Williamstown from the west.
It has a mixture of residential and commercial activities, and is intersected by multiple small streets and laneways.
Wide traffic lanes, long pedestrian crossing distances, poor bike facilities, and higher than desirable driving speeds have all contributed to negative safety outcomes, the City of Hobsons Bay says.
Ferguson Street also connects to the strategic cycling corridor that in the future will connect Williamstown towards the city to the north along Melbourne Road to Newport and Hall Street to Spotswood.
The City says that the project will retain the character of Ferguson Street with the treatments occurring within the existing carriageway with no significant impact on the streetscape.
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