

November 2022

Tassie Bike News Bites

In this Bike News: Rail Trails Australia is looking for a new Tasmanian rep, the inaugural Cygnet Cycling Festival hits the ground running, detours in Granton and South Hobart community celebrate their ebikes.

Social rides start cycling back

COVID travel restrictions means we’ve had jam-packed summer social ride calendars over the past few years but now that the restrictions have eased we are going back to normal conditions, which means our social rides will start to become fewer in the lead in to Christmas.

A glimpse of Tas bike holidays past

Keen bike rider Richard Langley has sent us what’s left of the letters his grandfather Don Charlwood wrote to his wife’s Canadian relatives about their cycling trip around Tasmania in 1947.

A new rail trail? Yass please!

The Yass Rail Trail has received its first pot of funds from the NSW Government, the first step towards making the rail trail a reality.

Active travel for Commonwealth Games Villages?

Planning is now underway for the 2026 Commonwealth Games in regional Victoria and key questions to be addressed include what the athlete villages will be like and will there be active travel for these active people.