Planning has started for stage two of the Barwon Heads Road upgrade, which is set to deliver new facilities for bike riders between Geelong and the coast.
Although construction of stage one between Settlement Road, Belmont and Reserve Road, Charlemont has some time to go, Major Roads Projects Victoria (MRPV) is seeking community input to help develop design options for stage two.
To have your say, complete an online survey or drop a pin with your comments on the interactive map.
The second stage will take the duplicated road and the shared trail from Reserve Road through Charlemont to Lower Duneed Road, Armstrong Creek.
The new road is also expected to be fitted with ridable shoulders suitable for road riders and groups.
When stage two is open, it will provide these riders with a useful connection to Bluestone School Road through to 13th Beach Road into Barwon Heads, part of a popular recreation circuit.
Geelong's southern suburbs, especially Armstrong Creek, will need considerable bike infrastructure as they develop as they are otherwise destined to become unattractive car-based suburbia.
MRPV is investigating potential options to further:
- Enhance the benefits that will result from the first stage of the Barwon Heads Road upgrade, which is due to be complete this year
- Improve safety
- Increase the capacity of the road
- Improve journey reliability
- Reduce travel times
- Make it easier to walk and cycle in the area
With feedback accepted until Sunday 12 February, MRPV wants to know how people currently use the road, their views on safety and traffic flow, and what should be considered in the planning.
A summary of feedback will be published on this page later in the year.
A business case is currently being developed and our work is expected to be complete later this year.
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