
Group of people ride away from the camera on a concrete path towards a road, with the last rider wearing a high vis vest saying Bicycle Tasmania.
Be prepared before a ride

You’re about to go for a ride so you pack your waterproofs in case it rains, a lock in case you need to stop somewhere and lights in case visibility becomes an issue, but are you prepared for an emergency?  

When most of us head out on our bikes we are not expecting the worst to happen, but being prepared can help riders access emergency assistance if they need it.   


There is the chance a rider could be involved in a crash, but unless they carry a licence or other identification, it can be difficult for first responders to identify them and notify family or friends.   

If you are going on a recreational ride and don’t want to carry your wallet/purse, then how about carrying a card somewhere on your body or bike that lists your name and emergency contacts and important medical information? 

Bicycle Network produces a handy card – just email us at if you’d like one. 

People who have opted to have a national My Health Record can record the names and numbers of people they want contacted in case of a medical emergency.  

When riding with a group, it’s a good idea to check that at least two people know everyone’s full name and who to contact if something happens. 

Medical events 

For riders who are getting on in years, the possibility of a medical event like a heart attack or stroke while riding increases. Map of Hobart showing many small circles with lightning bolt logos in them showing where defribillators are available.

If you are riding in a group, does someone in the group have first aid training, including cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)?  

If you are a regular group rider, you might want to familiarise yourself with defibrillators on the route. It's also a good idea to copy the link of the state map to your phone. Emergency operators should still be called as a code may be needed to unlock the defibrillator.  

Emergency apps  

People who ride outside major centres could discover they are in a mobile black spot, just when they need to call an ambulance.  

The emergency call function on your mobile phone may work, but for extra back up, consider downloading the Emergency Plus app to your phone.  

The app allows you to call 000 but it also includes a What Three Words function so your location can be pinpointed. This is handy if you are riding in an area you don’t know well, or somewhere rural that doesn’t have nearby street corners or other obvious landmarks.  

What Three Words takes your GPS location and produces three words that you can read out to the operator to let them know where you are.   

The app also has a link to short videos showing you how to perform CPR. 

Screenshot of a phone screen showing the emergency app which allows you to press a button to notify 000 and send your location details.