
Fencing works along Whitehall Street path

Fencing along the shared path on Whitehall Street in Yarraville will be replaced in planned night works next week. 

The existing fence will be removed and replaced by gawk screens (protective concrete barriers topped with steel mesh screening) as construction activities move to the next stage within the West Gate Tunnel portal area.

The project will stretch from Youell Street to Sommerville Road.

To minimise disruptions during peak hours work will be during night hours from 8pm to 5am, Monday 17 July to Saturday 22 July.

The work area will be re-opened from 5am to 8pm each day. 

During these works, the southbound slow lane on Whitehall Street (between Youell Street and Somerville Road) will be closed and the shared user path will be occupied.

Pedestrians and cyclists will be stopped temporarily. Traffic controllers will allow pedestrians and cyclists to pass when it is safe.

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