
A woman rides along the shared path on Davey Street in Hobart with cars to her right and grass and trees to her left.
Tasman Bridge delays, Government launches Hobart plan

Shared paths on the Tasman Bridge could now take three years to complete due to funding uncertainty and a federal government infrastructure review. 

At the launch of the Keep Hobart Moving plan last week, the Minister for Infrastructure Michael Ferguson said works had stalled until the review was completed. 

In June, the federal government announced a 90-day review of infrastructure funding commitments for any project that had not yet started construction.

Bicycle Network wrote to federal Minister for Infrastructure Catherine King in July, emphasising the importance of the Tasman Bridge paths to people who ride.

We received a reply in early September saying the minister had the review’s findings and would be making an announcement on the recommendations.

Beyond general cycling safety concerns, the bridge is due for new outer barriers in response to a 2016 coroner’s recommendation following a death on the bridge. More people have lost their lives on the bridge since that report.

Keeping Hobart Moving

The Tasmanian government’s Keeping Hobart Moving plan outlines a plan for 10 years and beyond to implement better public transport options and active transport corridors.

A map showing the active transport corridors in the Keeping Hobart Moving plan.

There are three phases to the plan and cycling infrastructure gets a nod in each one.

In Phase One 2023–26, the government commits to delivering the Tasman Bridge path upgrades, bike parking at three new park-and-ride bus stops at Midway Point, Claremont and Rokeby and delivery of more projects in the Greater Hobart Cycling Plan.

Phase Two 2026–2029 includes planning and delivery of greater Hobart Active Transport Networks, more delivery of projects in the Greater Hobart Cycling Plan, and more ferry stops.

Phase Three 2029–2033+ includes delivery of the Active Transport Networks and new ferry stops.

Cycling infrastructure will also be included in some major projects, including the Algona Road roundabout and rapid bus stations.

Comments on the plan are being accepted at before 31 January 2024.