
Footscray Road route opens; creek trail detour

The trail along Footscray road—closed recently for veloway construction—has reopened for traffic.

And the Moonee Ponds Creek Trail between Dynon and Footscray Roads has been closed and bike traffic along the Creek headed to Docklands has been diverted via West Melbourne.

Along Footscray Road the trail is back to its former alignment along the Port of Melbourne boundary. This means riders will not have to use the Dynon Road detour in the immediate future.

Note that due to ongoing works there will be short, diversion around a small worksite at the intersection with Dock Link Road. This location could get congested at times, so riders need to take due care.

Riders will notice that the erection of the veloway elevate bike path is proceeding apace, with some 20 sections now hoisted into position.

Footscray Road is expected to remain open for bikes until a short closure in late August.

The Moonee Ponds Creek Trail is being closed to enable connections between the new bridge across the creek at Dynon road and the surrounding path network. It will remain closed and detoured until Wednesday 24 July when it will reopen at 5am.

Riders who might have chosen to cut through under Dynon Road from Laurens Street using the Railway Place shared path link should note that this route will be closed 7am - 5pm from Monday 1 July until Friday 5 July.

Further west riders that use Hyde Street southbound should be aware of works underway from Tuesday at the intersection with Harris Street.

As West Gate Tunnel contractors continue with construction of the trail on Harris Street and the Bridge over Whitehall Street, work starts on Hyde Street to construct kerbing, various traffic islands, and to complete pavement works. 

The site occupation will include a closure of the footpath, parking lane and cycling lane on Hyde Street, between Somerville Road and Youell Street.

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