
WA funds better bike connections for train travel

Western Australia has placed another set of bike grants on the table for local councils, this time with a focus on plugging gaps close to new train stations.

The WA Bicycle Network Grants Program is a component of the Western Australian Bicycle Network Plan, which was designed to encourage councils to jointly fund bike projects in their communities.

After funding 62km of new paths for bikes and pedestrians across metropolitan and regional areas through a $9 million grant package last year, the state government is turning its attention to improving public transport connections.

The grants will be delivered in metropolitan and regional streams; and while the regional stream remains unchanged and will prioritise connections to town centres, schools and places of recreation, the metropolitan stream will prioritise projects within 2km of new and upgraded train stations being delivered through the Metronet program.

"Making it easier for people to walk, wheel and ride to public transport, activity centres and other key destinations allows for greater social inclusion and interaction,” says Transport Minister Rita Saffioti.

"Active travel is a healthy, cost-effective and sustainable way to get around, and by better aligning our funding programs to the long-term cycle network for Perth, Peel and across our regions, we will deliver better-connected and more vibrant towns and cities."

Secure bike parking is available at many train stations across Perth, many of them recently upgraded, and offers peace of mind for those riding part way and relying on public transport to complete their journeys.

The latest round of Western Australian Bicycle Network Grants will deliver $8 million each financial year until 2027-28, split evenly between the metropolitan and regional streams.

Councils have until 5pm Friday 6 September to submit their applications.

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