Our social rides are always a bit thin on the ground at this time of year as our ride leaders go on holidays or choose to avoid cooler days. But it’s a great time to look ahead to spring and think about getting more active.
If you are a competent bike rider and like to meet people, volunteering to become a social ride leader is a great way to stay physically and mentally healthy.
Our social rides program is looking at running a ride leader workshop in spring, so if you are interested please email our Rides Coordinator with your contact details and the type of riding you are interested in. You don't have to be super fit, or into competitive riding. Our rides depend on the interests of our ride leaders. They offer everything from short 1-2 hour rides, with stops along the way, to day-long excursions.
Kangaroo Bay to Mt Rumney – Sunday 1 September
The 22.5km Kangaroo Bay to Mt Rumney ride on Sunday 1 September is a straight-up-and-down ride on bike tracks and local roads.
Meet ride leader David at 9.45am at the Kangaroo Bay car park for to head up Mt Rumney with a detour to the old railway tunnel at Tunnel Hill on the way. Coffee after the ride at Bellerive.
Please RSVP in case of cancellation via: https://ridewithgps.com/events/326601-kangaroo-bay-to-mt-rumney

E-bike Coffee Cruise: The Queens View – Friday 6 September
The E-bike Coffee Cruise to the Queens Domain on Friday 6 September is a great introduction to sealed and unsealed paths and quiet local roads.
Meet ride leader Di at 10.15am at Brooke Street Pier to head along the shared path to the Remembrance Bridge and to the top of the Domain to enjoy the different paths.
Returning via the new Campbell Street bike paths to the monthly Coffee, Chat and Cycles get together at Jampacked from 11.30am.
Please RSVP in case of cancellation via https://ridewithgps.com/events/318953-e-bike-coffee-cruise-the-queen-s-view-to

Flight of the Folders – Saturday 14 September
Folding bikes are a great addition to any cycling stable and to celebrate their versatility the Flight of the Folders to MONA will be held on Saturday 14 September.
Meet ride leader Di at 9.45am at the Cenotaph car park off McVilly Drive to head out along the Intercity Cycleway to MONA and back.
There will be a break for coffee and snacks at MONA before returning. Please RSVP in case of cancellation via https://ridewithgps.com/events/303762-flight-of-the-folders

TBUG rides
- Wednesday 4 September: Westbury to Whitemore, meet ride leader Mick at the Franklin Street sportsground at 9.45am. 42km, 20–25km/h pace.
- Wednesday 11 September: Cressy to Blackwood, meet ride leader Mick at 9.45am at the big fish on Main Rd, Cressy. 44km, 20–25km/h pace.
Upcoming rides & events
- E-bike Coffee Club: Hobart City Cycle – Thursday 19 September
- Crabtree Crawl – Saturday 21 September
- The Mighty Eastern Shore Challenge – Saturday 28 September
- Coffee Chat & Cycles – Friday 4 October
- E-bike Coffee Cruise: Queens View to the Top – Friday 4 October
- Bothwell Apsley Country Loop – Sunday 13 October
- Going Solar: Seniors Week Ride – Saturday 19 October
- Knocklofty Kneetrembler – Sunday 27 October
- Coffee Chat & Cycles – Friday 1 November
- E-bike Coffee Cruise: Queens View to the Top – Friday 1 November
- E-bike Coffee Cruise: City and Cascade – Saturday 2 November
- E-bike Coffee Cruise: Sandy Bay Scenic Roll – Sunday 3 November
- Cambridge Park Loop – Sunday 10 November
- E-bike Coffee Club – Scenic route to Moonah – Wednesday 20 November
- Orford Thumbs Lookout Loop – Sunday 24 November
- Coffee Chat & Cycles – Friday 6 December
- E-bike Coffee Cruise: Queens View to the Top – Friday 6 December
- Christmas Lunch and Pipeline Track – Sunday 8 December
- Flight of the Folders – Saturday 14 December
- Oatlands Parattah and Stonor Circuit – Sunday 26 January
COVID-19 guidelines
Our social rides leaders follow a set of protocols to help make our rides safer:
- Meeting places for rides will have plenty of space for people to maintain 1.5 metre to 2 metre distancing while unloading bikes, listening to the briefing, and getting ready to ride.
- Riders are asked to register online or via phone so there is no paper being handed around on the day.
People are asked not to attend rides if they have fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, shortness of breath or runny nose or are in mandated isolation.