The state government has released draft plans for the 10 new suburban activity centres in Melbourne being reshaped to provide an additional 60,000 homes over the next 25 years.
They show a range of residential densities, which will deliver more compact suburbs ideal for bike riding, walking trips and public transport.
The government has committed to providing active transport networks that connect to the new centres, and designing streets based on movement and place principles, which should ensure attractive neighbourhoods and good access to key attractions.
The aim will be for an urban design that encourages a high proportion of trips to be taken using active modes rather than congestion-generating private vehicles.
Each centre will have a dense core with higher buildings, and then taper down to lower levels towards to edge of an 800-metre catchment, providing a wide range of housing stock to match community preferences.
Generally, the commercial cores of the activity centres are proposed to accommodate taller buildings and larger developments.
In the catchment area surrounding the activity centres – everything that’s within a 10-minute walk of shops and transport – new rules will encourage more townhouses and apartments ranging from three to six storeys in height.
The centres are:
- Broadmeadows
- Epping
- Frankston
- Ringwood
- Camberwell Junction
- Chadstone
- Moorabbin
- Niddrie-Keilor Road and North Essendon
- Preston-High Street.

Planners are seeking feedback on the draft plans. There is a downloadable draft plan for each centre that provides the land use details.
There will be online feedback sessions throughout September for each of the centres.
Note that these documents are focused on planning scheme amendments and do not yet contain transport plans.
However, there is nothing to stop you pointing out the bike infrastructure upgrades you think will be necessary.
Feedback will be analysed over the next few months with Ministerial decisions on the required amendments in December.
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