There were two types of people on the 2024 Great Vic Bike Ride; those who enjoyed the rain, and those who didn’t.
Luckily, the weather gods had both bases covered with an even split between hot, sticky days in Wodonga, Mansfield and Alexandra, and thunderous skies pelting tents in Wangaratta, Mrytleford and Marysville.
Weather aside, the event provided a bittersweet goodbye to the end of a 40-year era and proved the joy of Bicycle Network's iconic "multi-day, multi-site, bike riding celebration and riding holiday" for the 2600 riders, 230 volunteers and 100-member support crew.
Where else but the Great Vic can you find hobbyists and fanatics alike, under the same sun, on the same route, in a bike riding convoy off the beaten path in regional Victoria? Each with their own personal goal – whether they tackled the 180, 311, or 501km routes.

The camaraderie experienced on the Great Vic, and the huge welcome the event receives in regional towns, demonstrates that bike riders are paving the way for sustainable travel as an accessible option, with a dose of a happy, healthy attitude for people of all ages and abilities thrown in.
Yes, there's an event transformation on the horizon, but Bicycle Network is determined that new generations of bike riders will experience the joy of riding in regional Victoria.
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