

Federal Government

Starting young to build bike culture

Bicycle Network is recommending the federal government allocate $20 million per fiscal year to behavior change programs that provide young people with bike skills for the future.

Positive provisioning for active travel

With the federal election looming, Bicycle Network are calling for mandatory positive provisioning that requires all federally funded transport projects to provide infrastructure and facilities for active travel.

Cycling safety projects lined up ready to go

The Commonwealth Government has teamed up with the states and local councils to fund extra road safety projects as part of COVID-19 stimulus funding and in Tasmania this is resulting in 7 cycling safety projects.
Census time. Record your trip

Census time. Record your trip

The Australian Census is nearly upon us and it is a vital opportunity for the bike riding community to give our governments an accurate depiction of how Australians travel.
Truck safety boost on offer

Truck safety boost on offer

The Federal Government is considering introducing European truck safety standards to Australia, a move that will significantly lessen risk for bike riders on the road.